Dissertation stress is a nightmare everyone must have passed through, no matter their subject and how hard they try not to go through it. But, I have learned this thing through experience; I did not know this. In the early days of my degree, I always wondered why my seniors looked stressed and worried. Whenever I got to communicate with my seniors, I found them under real dissertation stress. I realised the true meaning of a dissertation when I reached the dissertation stage.
My course years passed like a fairy tale; everything was smooth. Though I was strongly passionate about research and the whole dissertation process, this dissertation stress hit me hard when I sat to write my research findings. I had already spent much time in practical research, so I had limited time to write my dissertation. I must complete this task within the deadline to pass it on time.
My deadlines were approaching, and I was finding the courage to start writing. I went through sleepless nights questioning my abilities. I was so devastated and unsure whether I would be able to complete my dissertation. Also, I talked to my supervisor, friends, and family to gain emotional support and courage. But, in the end, I had to cover the dissertation stress and complete this in due time.
At last, in one sleepless night, when I was thinking about how I could come out of this whole situation with success, I made a plan and strictly followed it. I am sharing some highlights of how I managed my dissertation stress.
Admit That You Are Suffering From Dissertation Stress.
Sometimes, it needs the courage to accept that you are undergoing stress. Because very few people are ready to admit that they are suffering from dissertation stress, so admit it. Though, we feel right about what we are doing. At the early stage of my dissertation writing, I did not know the cause of my continuous stress. But we must realise something is going wrong to take proper preventive action.
Prevention Is Better Than Cure.
You must know that dissertation writing is a stressful task. It would help if you worked on your stress; this will instantly give you more energy and positivity to work on your dissertation than ever before because facing the problem with reality helps you develop a realistic plan. Your stress will lead you to miss the deadline, so you must deal with dissertation stress now!
Identify Your Area Of Weakness.
When writing my dissertation, I needed clarification and lost my focus. I identified many causes and stages of dissertation stress. I had listed some below when I was pissed off:
- The deadline was approaching quickly and I was still working on my dissertation.
- My topic was complex, and I needed help to make meaningful progress.
- I had to spend many sleepless nights and manage multiple things together.
- Writing the dissertation was difficult, and I needed someone to help me to write my dissertation.
- I received feedback from my supervisor that could have been more encouraging.
During dissertation writing, I was not managing my time properly, which was why I faced above mentioned issues. So, I made a timeline to manage my workload.
Gear Up, Make A Plan And Execute It Fearlessly.
- Firstly, I started to sleep early as ”early to bed and early to raise a man who was healthy, wealthy, and wise. I found a nearby park where I used to go each morning for jogging. This routine exercise made me very fresh and energetic.
- I used to make healthy breakfasts with a good protein content that kept me uptight for the whole day.
- I met my supervisor bi-weekly as planned meeting schedule. I carefully took notes from him and followed him right away.
- In the evening, I did some kitchenette activities and tried some new dishes for my family. The smile on their face made me happy. Due to my busy schedule, I could not spend proper time; this routine positively influenced my mental health, and I felt very positive.
- I arranged my writing setup with a beautiful antique lamp and decorated it with some Lilly flowers to create a beautiful ambience. I arranged my table near my room’s window so I can also have a beautiful night view when I need a healthy distraction.
- To avoid a continuous load of work from the dissertation, I used to read some good stories to live in intuition and relax my mind.
- Meanwhile, I also arranged some on-day trips to avoid boring and stagnant routines. I used to meet my old friends, and we used to share our university experiences. Sometimes, listening to others’ fears and worries is really helpful. Because they help you understand you are not alone and you can manage them with a better strategy.
- Finally, a day came when I prepared a final copy to get it checked by my supervisor. I want to tell you a very important thing here. Your relationship with your supervisor can be really important in this whole journey. Unfortunately, my supervisor was not very cooperative; during the synopsis, we had some arguments that did not make me a favourite in his eyes. So, he was unwilling to take on most of the responsibilities of my research work. I needed to give my best shot at first.
- When I prepared my first copy, I got advice from my senior that I should get it checked and edited by someone else I could trust. I asked my very close friend to review my dissertation for me, She did as per her expertise, but I still needed clarification.
- Meantime, I learned that my fellow was also looking for editing of her thesis. I asked her, and she told me she works with a professional editor from a reputable company, Affordable Dissertation UK. She was about to receive her final copy in a day or two. After a few days, I talked to her and asked her about her thesis; she said that she had submitted her final copy. I was amazed and asked about the quality of the editing services. Her response was quite overwhelming, which convinced me to get dissertation services from Affordable Dissertation UK, and the results were similar but excellent as expected.
- Finally, I submitted my dissertation copy to my supervisor, who approved it after minor edits. I went through formal university protocols and appeared in viva. As I had done a lot of research in writing and collecting data, I was confident during my viva.
Final Remarks: Dream, Believe, and Achieve
I have faith that you truly desire something the whole universe conspires. I made an effort with a solid plan that became successful. Finally, I also want to acknowledge the dissertation writing services of Affordable Dissertation UK for helping me achieve this milestone.